The Importance of Owning a 'Self-Clean' Bathtub for Every Woman
Did you know that the majority of individuals who own a massaging bathtub at their residence seldom completely drain the water from the tub after use?
You might find this perplexing, as every time you witness the water being drained, it appears to be fully emptied. However, what water being drained is only the water from within the internal system of the bathtub, not from the nozzle. Over time, if one does not thoroughly drain out all of the jets' water at every time use, not only will bacteria proliferate inside but also an abundance of scale will accumulate within the internal system of the nozzle, eventually obstructing proper functionality.
Regrettably, no bathtubs currently available on the market have addressed this issue. Consequently, most people who are aware that there are two separate systems for water circulation in bathtubs and nozzles regularly detach and clean out hoses connected to nozzles for drainage purposes. The unfortunate reality is that not everyone possesses either sufficient energy or professional expertise to dismantle and reassemble pipes correctly. Therefore, we have specifically developed our 'self-clean' feature for nozzle drainage which guarantees complete draining of both water systems each time to ensure clean water quality.
What is our “self-clean function?
As depicted in the illustration, once you have completed your bathing and activated the drain valve, the water within the tub will be efficiently directed through pipe C into your household sewer system. However, unlike pipe C which serves as an outlet for drainage, pipe A is designed to continuously circulate water within the nozzle system without a designated outlet.
To address this issue comprehensively, we have ingeniously introduced pipe B as an outlet connected to pipe A. This integration allows for a flow of water from pipe A into pipe C via pipe B, ultimately facilitating its discharge into the sewer system.
Currently, we are the first on the market to modify the water pipe system in this way, just because we have recognized that unclean bathing water can pose significant health risks, particularly for women with more delicate reproductive systems. Our pioneering modification of this water piping system sets us apart as industry leaders who prioritize user well-being and hygiene considerations, which means our "self-clean" function was born to care for women.

Possible harm caused by unclean water quality
1. Female gynecological ailments
Despite the safeguarding of the vulva, women's distinctive reproductive structure renders them susceptible to bacterial intrusion even with a mere 10-15 minutes of immersion in mildly contaminated water. This can lead to afflictions such as bacterial vaginosis, urinary tract infections, and other related gynecological disorders.
In comparison to invasive or splash-type bacterial infections affecting the skin, mouth, ears, or wounds, women's reproductive organs are more prone and vulnerable due to their constant exposure and submersion in bacteria during bathing.
2. Detrimental to skin health
Extensive research has revealed that prolonged exposure to unhygienic bath water can give rise to severe dermatological allergies, inflammation, swelling, incessant itching, and other related complications. This risk is particularly heightened when the hair follicles are open, such as during hot water baths or immediately after hair removal, significantly amplifying the likelihood of infection.
3. Lung and digestive system infections
Legionnaires’ disease thrives in warm water between 20 and 45 degrees Celsius, with hot water at 35 to 37 degrees Celsius being a paradise for it. Its mortality rate is as high as 12%, and quick recovery from infection is difficult. It poses an especially grave threat to patients with respiratory diseases or those who have recently undergone surgery, as well as smokers and the elderly.
Furthermore, bathtub systems that are not thoroughly cleaned over long periods of time can easily harbor Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis, which can cause severe symptoms such as nausea, weight loss, diarrhea, and fatigue once contracted.
4.Eye and ear infections
If contaminated bath water enters the eyes, it may give rise to infection, keratitis, or inflammation caused by cellular fungi present in the water. Should your eyes appear red after bathing, it is imperative to pay heed to the hygiene of your bath water. Individuals who wear contact lenses are particularly vulnerable as their corneas are often subjected to friction from the lenses, potentially leading to scratches and heightened susceptibility to infection.
Furthermore, if unclean bath water infiltrates the ears, it can inflict chronic damage on one's auditory organs, resulting in the notorious "swimmer's ear" characterized by symptoms such as swelling, pain, itching, hearing impairment and discharge of pus.
Many individuals purchase bathtubs for daily body maintenance, yet they often overlook the potential harm that stagnant water in the nozzles can pose to their well-being. Recognizing this concern, we have taken it upon ourselves to address this issue. While we currently offer this function customization in customized bathtubs, our future plans encompass incorporating it into all our products, thereby truly embodying our brand's original vision of "innovating from the details to create a humanized home".
Don't let your bathtub become a source of distress! To ensure a hygienic bathing experience, embrace the "self-clean" function!